
  • 展览时间:2011/12/15 — 2011/12/25911
  • 展览空间:秒有艺术,中央美术学院美术馆

开放时间: 周二至周日 10:00-18:00



    继今年九月我馆举办的“首届CAFAM泛主题展:超有机”呈现以来,以“超有机”展为主线的系列活动陆续展开。而公共教育部举办的“中央美术学院/纽约美术学院学生交流活动——北京”正是其中一个备受各界瞩目的项目。期间来访的美国学生与艺术家积极参与了 “超有机”主题系列活动,深入探访了中央美术美院的学术及艺术创作环境。其中极具代表性的“超界·私密访谈”活动更是提供了良好的交流平台:来访美国学子与中国高校各界学子及青年艺术家受邀与“ 超有机”参展知名艺术家进行了近距离的对话,参观了艺术家的工作室,探秘其艺术创作概念及过程。



CAFAM (Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum) is always dedicated to enhance cross-institutional interaction, exchange and development. One of the primary goals at Department of Public Education and Development of CAFAM is to cooperate with other institutions and create diverse educational programs, and develop them into long-term academic activities.

Since “The 1st CAFAM Biennale: Super-Organism” was exhibited at our museum in September, related events of all kinds have been introduced to the public. “Central Academy of Fine Art / New York Academy of Art Student Exchange Program - Beijing” was one of the key events during CAFAM Biennale, which resulted from a time-consuming effort of Department of Public Education and Development. It has successfully attracted a wide scope of attention from media and public. Visiting students and young artists from U.S. participated in a series of CAFAM Biennale events, and experienced the academic and artistic environment at CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts). A particularly worth-noting event “Cross-Boundary: Private Talks” offered a platform, which invited local and foreign students and young artists to participate in a close dialogue with the famous artists whose works were featured in CAFAM Biennial, visit their studios and investigate the formation of concept and the “secret” in the process of art-making

?“Exhibition of Six Young Artists from China and U.S.”, hosted by CAFAM and MOUart, will bring down the curtain on this exchange program. During the one-month-and-a-half sojourn at CAFA, both visiting and local students produced many artworks, which will be exhibited together this time. It is a visual approach to sensitively present the result of the exchange program, promote dialogues between Chinese and American artists, and introduce a deep deconstruction of differences and similarities of two distinct cultures and values.

Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum
