
  • 展览时间:2012/03/31 — 2012/05/04242
  • 展览空间:妙有艺术

开幕时间:2012年3月31日 15:00-18:00



    异形中的异是差异的异,也是非常规的异,也是个性体现的异。在英语中,可以用 Eccentric 、 Dissensus 和 Different 来表示。形式强调它的异,实际上是说,形式可以自主独立,可以成为独立的命题来探索、来讨论。

    艺术被划分为古典、现代、当代之后,当代成为至高命题,而现代之形式被归结为滞后于当代的落后对象。“形式”被做出了冷处理,成为当代命题中不敢大声言说的话语。事实上,此类说法需要分析,特别是对于当代艺术发生内爆之后的今天,形式需要重新认识和思考。应该说,形式无论何种,其 难度增加了不知几何;而形式的革命从美术史的角度似乎已经穷尽,而叙事与政治成为当代艺术无可回避的选择。

        在这种情况下,如何面对形式、甚至成为艺术的寄寓之所,就变成了哲学的形而上论辩。在这里,为了再论证形式的当代化,需要新的姿态和新的艺术思辨。其含义不是置当代艺术的政治命题于不顾,而是深化广域的艺术的再次可能性。从形式去思考问题,应该是艺术当代化的一个维度,尽管不是所有的维度。形式的路从极限挑战的层面尚有人类智慧对抗的余地,或者说,我们观察艺术的当代性,其潜台词里依然有“形式”的成分,这就是新的感觉形式和新的知觉形式以及新的观念形式。当代艺术的本体不是形式,但形式是当代艺术所对峙的一个维度,当代艺术可以反形式,但 形式绝不反当代。因此,形式成为当代形式,而其内在的实质是人在当代境遇中的新的心理张力的释放,非表现,非再现,非抽象,而是消除任何预设的自由存在者。

    做到这一点并非易事,也绝非艺术的所有,但继续 反推形式 的人,才不失为是当代艺术的领悟者和明智者。


E-Form – Language That Grows Inside

   “E” in “E-form” can be regarded as diversified, unconventional, and individual. We can use “Eccentric, Dissensus andDifferent” to explain it in English. Emphasizing “hetero” actually means that form can be explored and discussed as anindependent proposition which can develop independently.

   After art has been divided into classical, modern and contemporary period, contemporary art become the supreme proposition. While the modern form was boiled down as the hysteretic object lagged behind contemporarilization . “Form” got coldtreatment, becoming inferior state with no say in the contemporary proposition. In fact, the above opinion should be analyzed,particularly in the bursting contemporary art inner field. Form need to be reconsidered and re-understood. The difficultiesincreased greatly for no matter what kind of forms. Form revolution seems to have been exhausted from the perspective of arthistory. But narration and politics become an inevitable choice for contemporary art.

   In this case, how to treat form and how to treat form as art shelter turned to be the metaphysical debate in philosophy. Here, we need new attitude and new art speculation to re-demonstrate the form’s contemporarilization. It doesn’t mean we disregardthe contemporary art politic proposition, but it’s another possibility of deepening the generalized art. Thinking in terms ofform should be just one of the all art dimensionalities. In the process of form, there still exists space for human wisdoms’oppositions in terms of ultimate challenges. Alternatively, we can see the potential “form” components in the artcontempoarilization, which are neo feeling form, neo perception form and neo conception form. Contemporary art itself is notform, which can be anti-form. But as one dimensionality confronted with contemporary art, form absolutely cannot be anti-contemporary art. Therefore, form becomes contemporary form, whose essential is the release of new psychological tension in thecontemporary context. It is non-expression, non-reappearance, non-abstract, but the free survivor without any pre-conventions. 

 This will not be easy, nor all of arts.  But the person who proceeds to advocate inverse form embodied his good understandingand wisdoms towards contemporary art.

  E-form, a proposition fitted a frame to contemporary art, will deeply merged with the contemporary art essential after prudentanalysis.
