
652 发布时间    2018-08-16 00:04



Hangzhou Cultural & Creative Industry Expo (CCIE), as the main platform for the exhibition and exchange of cultural and creative industries in the city, has been praised as one of the four major cultural and creative industry exhibitions in China. From 2007 to 2018, CCIE has undergone a significant transformation and has shared common growth with the cultural and creative industry.


In 2018,Hangzhou Cultural & Creative Industry Expo(CCIE) will continue to adhere to the "exquisite, professional and special" exhibition features as well stick to "industrialization, specialization, internationalization and branding" development goals, in accordance with the new situation of "Internet +" and "culture +".

(一)时间  Time


19-23, September, 2018

(二)地点 Place


Hangzhou White Horse Lake International Convention and Exhibition Center (Main Venue)

(三)主题 Theme


Integration - A beautiful life in a creative city

(四)预计规模 Expected Scale


The overall exhibition area is expected to be 120,000 square meters, with a total audience of 400,000. And the main exhibition display and the activity area is 65,000 square meters, and the reception is expected to be 300,000.